Coordination and Advocacy

Considering the need for concentrated effort in the WASH sector, NEWAH has been advocating for sustainable policies and programs and its due prioritization. As a member of the National Sector Stakeholders Group and National Sanitation Steering Committee it is playing meaningful roles in the development and transformation of the WASH sector in the country.
NEWAH’s advocacy efforts have been crucial to influence the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation policy of 2004 in incorporating the Gender and Poverty (GAP) approach. The approach promotes equitable distribution of WASH services and seeks meaningful participation of poor, women, and the disadvantaged in WASH-related decision-making.
NEWAH is also playing an important role in correcting the procedural or practical barriers in government policies and programs by taking up the matters at the policy-making level and drawing the attention of stakeholders and the public.
NEWAH’s effort to develop an umbrella organization to protect and promote the rights of users throughout the country took headway through the formation of the Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal (FEDWASUN). The federation today is established and operates as an autonomous body to inform, organize, and empower the users and advocate for accessibility and sustainability of services.