Mr. Dinesh Upreti

Admin & HR Manager

Mr. Dinesh Upreti holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has more than 20 years working experience in development projects in Nepal supported by DFID, WaterAid, Plan Nepal, Rain Foundation, SIMAVI, Concern Worldwide, European, Rain Foundation, A Drop of Life, etc. He has extensive knowledge of project planning, implementation and sustainability with good relationship with donor, Government agency and likeminded organizations. He also has good knowledge of Integrating WASH with livelihood, Rural Development, Nutrition, Child Protection and Menstruation Hygiene Management and Good governance and Gender and Social Inclusion. He served in this organization as Regional Coordinator, Province Manager in Central Development Region, Western Region, Mid and Far Western Region with project planning, implementation and monitoring. He has sound knowledge of office management skills, staff management, capacity building and staff motivation with better relation and coordination with GOs, I/NGOs and community. He has participated in different kind of training, capacity, building, research activities and short-term development course in country and out of country as well in national and international seminar and workshop. He has been working as an HR/Admin Manager in NEWAH since May 2022.